I >>> Influenza, Insomnia, Intestinal worms
Influenza, also known as flu, is the clinical condition that results from infection with influenza viruses. The main effects of the influenza viruses are on the upper respiratory tract, the nose and throat, with possible spread and involvement of the lungs and bronchi. The disease is highly contagious and it has the potential to cause a widespread epidemic, affecting a sizeable portion of a population at any time.
Causes and Symptoms
Influenza strikes suddenly. It usually begins with chills, fever, headache, and severe muscular pains. The patient feels miserable and weak. There is an inflammation in the nose and throat, which may spread down the windpipe to the lungs, resulting in a sore throat, cough, and running of the nose and eyes. In milder cases, the temperature rises to 390C or 1020F and in severe cases, it may go up to 400 C or 1040 F. The consequent weakness and fatigue may continue for several weeks.
Influenza is a viral disease. It generally affects those with a toxic and run-down condition. Such a state is brought about by dietetic errors and a faulty style of living such as worry, overwork, lack of proper exercise, living in stuffy rooms, and keeping late hours. No disease germs can find lodgement and become active in the system of a person who is perfectly healthy in the true sense of the term. Influenza is passed on with ease from the affected person to many others who are also in an equally low vital state.
Home Remedies
Long Pepper:
The use of long pepper is one of the most effective remedies in the treatment of influenza. Half a teaspoon of the powder of long pepper, mixed with two teaspoons of honey and half a teaspoon of juice of ginger, should be taken thrice a day. This will help greatly if taken in the initial stages of the disease. It is especially useful in avoiding complications which follow the onset of the disease, namely, the involvement of the larynx and the bronchial tube.
Garlic is an excellent remedy for influenza. It is useful as a general antiseptic and the patient should take as much as he can bear.
Turmeric is valuable in influenza. A teaspoon of turmeric powder should be mixed in a cup of warm milk and taken three times a day. It will prevent complications arising from influenza, and also activate the liver which becomes sluggish during the attack.
Onion is also an effective remedy for influenza. Equal amounts of onion juice and honey should be mixed, and three or four teaspoons of this mixture should be taken daily in the treatment of this disease.
Ginger is an excellent remedy for influenza. A teaspoon of fresh ginger juice, mixed with a cup of fenugreek decoction and honey to taste, is an excellent diaphoretic mixture which increases sweating and reduces fever in this disease. The fenugreek decoction may be prepared by boiling one tablespoon of fenugreek seeds in half a litre of water, till it is reduced by one third.
The juice of grapefruit has proved useful in this disease as it tones up the body and the digestive tract
Basil Leaves: Another effective remedy for this disease is the green leaves of the basil plant About one gram of these leaves should be boiled along with some ginger in half a litre of water till about half the water is left This decoction should be taken as tea. It gives immediate relief.
Finger Millet:
Fumigation of the burnt flour of finger milIet is useful in influenza. It should be inhaled gently in the treatment of this disease. It will increase the blood circulation in the nasal mucosa, reduce local congestion, and open up the stuffed nose.
Dietary Considerations
In the acute stage of influenza, the patient should abstain from all solid foods and only drink fruit and vegetable juices diluted with water on a 50:50 basis for the first three to five days, depending on the severity of the condition. After the fever subsides, the patient may adopt an all-fruit diet for two or three days. This may be followed by a fruit and milk diet for a further two or three days. Thereafter, the patient may adopt a well-balanced diet of natural foods, with emphasis on fresh fruits and raw vegetables. He should avoid spices and condiments, alcohol, tobacco, strong tea and coffee, highly seasoned meats, over-boiled milk, pulses, potatoes, rice, cheese, and refined, processed, stale, and tinned foods.
Other Measures
A warm-water enema should be taken daily during the first three to five days of the treatment.
During the course of the fever, the natural way of reducing temperature is by means of cold body packs, which should be applied several times a day. The pack is made by wringing out a sheet or a large square piece of linen material in cold water, wrapping it right round the body and legs of the patient, and then covering it completely with a blanket. The pack can be kept for an hour or so, and the body should be sponged with tepid water after removing the pack. The patient should be kept in bed and should stay there till he is well again.
Insomnia- Inability to Sleep
The term insomnia literally denotes a complete lack of sleep. It is, however, used to indicate a relative inability to sleep that consists of difficulty in falling asleep, difficulty in remaining asleep, early final awakening, or combinations of these complaints. This disease has assumed alarming proportions in the present times, specially among the upper classes in the urban set-up.
Causes and Symptoms
The single symptom that most frequently marks the onset of insomnia is difficulty in falling asleep. There may be changes in the duration and quality of sleep, persistent changes in sleep patterns, lapses of memory, and lack of concentration during the day. Other symptoms are emotional instability, loss of coordination, and confusion.
The most common cause of sleeplessness is mental tension brought about by anxiety, worries, overwork, and overexcitement Suppressed feelings of resentment, anger, and bitterness may also cause insomnia. Constipation, dyspepsia, overeating at night., excessive intake of tea or coffee, smoking, and going to bed hungry are among the other causes. Often, worrying about falling asleep is enough to keep one awake.
Home Remedies
Thiamine: Of the various food elements, thiamine or vitamin B. is of special significance in the treatment of insomnia. It is vital for strong, healthy nerves. A body starved of thiamine over a long period will be unable to relax and fall asleep naturally. Valuable sources of this vitamin are wholegrain cereals, pulses, and nuts.
Lettuce is beneficial in the treatment of insomnia as it contains a sleep-inducing substance, called 'lectucarium'. The juice of this plant has been likened in effect to the sedative action of opium without the accompanying excitement. Lettuce seeds taken in a decoction are also useful in insomnia. One tablespoon of seeds should be boiled in half a litre of water, till it is reduced by one-third.
Milk is very valuable in insomnia. A glass of milk, sweetened with honey, should be taken every night before going to bed in treating this condition. It acts as a tonic and a tranquilliser. Massaging the milk over the soles of the feet has also been found effective.
Curd is also useful in insomnia. The patient should take plenty of curd and massage it on the head. This will induce sleep.
Bottle Gourd:
The mixture of bottle gourd juice and sesame oil in a 50:50 ratio acts as an effective medicine for insomnia. It should be massaged over the scalp every night The cooked leaves of bottle gourd taken as a vegetable are also beneficial in the treatment of this disease.
A tea made from aniseed is valuable in sleeplessness. This tea is prepared by boiling about 375 ml of water in a vessel and adding a teaspoon of aniseed. The water should be covered with a lid and allowed to simmer for fifteen minutes. It should then be strained and drunk hot or warm. The tea may be sweetened with honey, and hot milk may also be added to it This tea should be taken after meals or before going to bed.
Honey is beneficial in the treatment of insomnia. It has a hypnotic action and induces a sound sleep. It should be taken with water, before going to bed, in doses of two teaspoons in a large cup of water. Babies generally fall asleep after taking honey.
The herb rauwolfia is a valuable medicine for insomnia because of its indisputable efficacy as a sedative. The hypnotic action of the drug appears to have been known since ancient times. The very first dose of rauwolfia will enable a patient with a phlegmatic and gouty nature to go to sleep. The powder of the root in a quantity of 0.25 gm to 0.5 gm should be mixed with some scented. substance like cardamom and given to the patient The patient will have a sound sleep during the entire night If the disease is chronic, the patient should take 0.25 gm twice a day, in the morning as well as at night before retiring.
Dietary Considerations
The patient should take a low-salt diet as salt is said to interfere with a restful sleep. A balanced diet with simple modifications in the eating pattern .will go a long way in the treatment of insomnia. Such a diet should exclude white flour products, sugar and its products, tea, coffee, chocolate, cola drinks, alcohol, fatty foods, fried foods, and foods containing additives.
Other Measures
Regular active exercise during the day and mild exercise before retiring at night enhances the quantity and the quality of sleep. Yoga helps in a majority of cases. It provides physical and mental relaxation from one's disturbing problems. The traditional yoga. asanas which are effective for insomnia patients are shirshasana, sarvangasana, paschimottanasana, uttanasana, viparit karni and shavasana.
The patient should make an all-out effort to eliminate as many stress factors as possible. The steps in this direction should include regular practice of any relaxation method or meditation technique; cultivating the art of doing things slowly, particularly activities like eating, walking, and talking; limiting the working day to nine or ten hours and the working week to five and a half days; cultivating a creative hobby and spending some time daily on this; and avoiding meeting unrealistic targets.
Intestinal Worms- Hookworms, Roundworms, Tapeworms, Threadworms
Worms and other intestinal parasites which infest human beings are found in all countries of the world. However, they are more common in tropical and subtropical areas and are widely prevalent during the rainy season. Children are more often infested with intestinal worms than adults.
Causes and Symptoms
The usual symptoms of intestinal worms are diarrhoea, foul breath, dark circles under the eyes, constant desire for food, restlessness at night with bad dreams, anemia, and headaches. Round-worms may give rise to inflammation of the intestine and lungs, nausea, vomiting, loss of weight, fever, nervousness, and irritability. Threadworms may cause intense itching in the area around the rectum. They may also cause periodic bouts of diarrhoea alternating with constipation, loss of weight, cough, and fever. Hookworms may give rise to anemia and nutritional disorders.
The eggs of these parasites are introduced into the human system through the medium of food or water. Roundworms are caused by eating contaminated food. Threadworms may enter the body from dirty fingers and food. Hookworms enter the human body through bare foot walking on infected earth. Tapeworms are transmitted to the body through undercooked flesh foods or foods contaminated by dogs.
The real cause of intestinal worms, however, is faulty living. The eggs of these worms, taken into the human body through food and water, can breed in the intestines only if they find there a suitable medium for their propagation. This medium is an intestinal tract clogged with morbid matter.
Home Remedies
Among the numerous home remedies found beneficial in the treatment of intestinal worms, the use of coconut is most effective. It is an ancient remedy for expelling all kinds of intestinal worms. A tablespoon of freshly ground coconut should be taken at breakfast, followed by 30 to 60 ml of castor oil mixed with 250 to 375 ml of lukewarm milk after three hours. This process may be repeated till the cure is complete.
Garlic has been used from ancient times by the Chinese, Greeks, Romans, Indians, and Babylonians for expelling intestinal worms. It is still used by modem medical practitioners for the same purpose. Both fresh garlic and its oil are effective. An ancient method of its administration was to place a couple of cloves of fresh garlic in each shoe. As the person walked, the cloves got crushed, and the worm-killing garlic oil was absorbed by the skin and carried by the blood into the intestines easily, as it possessed a powerful penetrative force. This ancient method is worth a trial by those who do not like the taste of garlic and cannot eat it. Those who can eat raw garlic, however, should chew three cloves of garlic every morning.
Carrots are valuable in the elimination of threadworms among children as they are offensive to all parasites. A small cup of grated carrot taken every morning, with no other food added to the meal, can clear these worms quickly.
The digestive enzyme papain in the milky juice of the unripe papaya is a powerful agent for destroying roundworms. A tablespoon of the fresh juice of an unripe papaya, and an equal quantity of honey should be mixed with three to four tablespoons of hot water and taken as a dose by an adult. This should be followed two hours later by a dose of 30 to 60 ml of castor oil mixed in 250-375 ml of lukewarm milk. This treatment should be repeated for two days if necessary. For children between seven to ten years of age, half the above doses should be given. For children under three years, a tablespoon is sufficient.
Papaya seeds are also useful for this purpose. They are rich in a substance called caricin which is a very effective medicine for expelling roundworms. The seeds should be powdered and taken in doses of one teaspoon with one cup of milk or water daily the morning on an empty stomach. The alkaloid carpaine found in papaya leaves also has the power to destroy or expel intestinal worms. An infusion can be made by pouring 250 ml of boiling water over IS gm of dry leaves. This can be taken with honey.
The bark, both of the root and the stems of the pomegranate tree, is well known for its anthelmintic properties of destroying parasitic worms. The bark of the root is, however, preferred as it contains a greater quantity of the alkaloid punicine than the bark of the stem. This alkaloid is highly toxic to tapeworms. A cold decoction of the bark, preferably fresh bark, should be given in quantities of 90 to 180 ml three times, at intervals of one hour, to an adult. A purgative should be given after the last dose. The dose for children is 30 to 60 ml. The decoction is also used for expelling tapeworms.
The seeds of ripe pumpkin are useful in intestinal worms, especially tapeworms. One tablespoon of the seeds should be peeled and crushed, and then infused in 250 ml of boiling water and drunk. This will kill the parasites and help in expelling the tapeworms. It will be necessary to fast for a day and empty the intestines by taking the juice of boiled dry prunes. The next day, three or four tumblers of the pumpkin seed infusion should be taken.
The herb wormwood is an ancient cure for expelling intestinal worms. It was extensively used by the Greeks and Romans for this purpose. The flowering tops have been and are, to this day, largely used in the Tibbi (Unani) system of medicine in India as a drug to kill intestinal worms. They are usually powdered and given in eight to sixteen gram doses daily for roundworms and tapeworms.
The oil distilled from this plant also possesses the property to kill worms. It should be mixed with olive oil, the latter being eight times the weight of the former. This mixture can be given in doses of 50 to 100 ml for this purpose. An infusion of the herb can also be prepared by mixing 2 ml of wormwood oil in 120 ml of water, and be given as an enema for killing worms- in the rectum.
Dietary Considerations
The treatment for intestinal worms should begin with diet. The patient should be kept on an exclusive fresh-fruit diet for four or five days. Thereafter, he may adopt a well-balanced light diet consisting mainly of fruits, vegetables, milk, and whole meal bread. The diet should exclude fatty foods such as butter, cream, and oil, and all flesh foods.
In some cases, the all-fruit diet may have to be repeated at intervals and in obstinate cases, the patient should resort to a short fast of raw fruit and vegetable juices.
Other Measures
During the all-fruit or fasting period, the bowel should be cleansed daily with a warm-water enema.
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Influenza, also known as flu, is the clinical condition that results from infection with influenza viruses. The main effects of the influenza viruses are on the upper respiratory tract, the nose and throat, with possible spread and involvement of the lungs and bronchi. The disease is highly contagious and it has the potential to cause a widespread epidemic, affecting a sizeable portion of a population at any time.
Causes and Symptoms
Influenza strikes suddenly. It usually begins with chills, fever, headache, and severe muscular pains. The patient feels miserable and weak. There is an inflammation in the nose and throat, which may spread down the windpipe to the lungs, resulting in a sore throat, cough, and running of the nose and eyes. In milder cases, the temperature rises to 390C or 1020F and in severe cases, it may go up to 400 C or 1040 F. The consequent weakness and fatigue may continue for several weeks.
Influenza is a viral disease. It generally affects those with a toxic and run-down condition. Such a state is brought about by dietetic errors and a faulty style of living such as worry, overwork, lack of proper exercise, living in stuffy rooms, and keeping late hours. No disease germs can find lodgement and become active in the system of a person who is perfectly healthy in the true sense of the term. Influenza is passed on with ease from the affected person to many others who are also in an equally low vital state.
Home Remedies
Long Pepper:
The use of long pepper is one of the most effective remedies in the treatment of influenza. Half a teaspoon of the powder of long pepper, mixed with two teaspoons of honey and half a teaspoon of juice of ginger, should be taken thrice a day. This will help greatly if taken in the initial stages of the disease. It is especially useful in avoiding complications which follow the onset of the disease, namely, the involvement of the larynx and the bronchial tube.
Garlic is an excellent remedy for influenza. It is useful as a general antiseptic and the patient should take as much as he can bear.
Turmeric is valuable in influenza. A teaspoon of turmeric powder should be mixed in a cup of warm milk and taken three times a day. It will prevent complications arising from influenza, and also activate the liver which becomes sluggish during the attack.
Onion is also an effective remedy for influenza. Equal amounts of onion juice and honey should be mixed, and three or four teaspoons of this mixture should be taken daily in the treatment of this disease.
Ginger is an excellent remedy for influenza. A teaspoon of fresh ginger juice, mixed with a cup of fenugreek decoction and honey to taste, is an excellent diaphoretic mixture which increases sweating and reduces fever in this disease. The fenugreek decoction may be prepared by boiling one tablespoon of fenugreek seeds in half a litre of water, till it is reduced by one third.
The juice of grapefruit has proved useful in this disease as it tones up the body and the digestive tract
Basil Leaves: Another effective remedy for this disease is the green leaves of the basil plant About one gram of these leaves should be boiled along with some ginger in half a litre of water till about half the water is left This decoction should be taken as tea. It gives immediate relief.
Finger Millet:
Fumigation of the burnt flour of finger milIet is useful in influenza. It should be inhaled gently in the treatment of this disease. It will increase the blood circulation in the nasal mucosa, reduce local congestion, and open up the stuffed nose.
Dietary Considerations
In the acute stage of influenza, the patient should abstain from all solid foods and only drink fruit and vegetable juices diluted with water on a 50:50 basis for the first three to five days, depending on the severity of the condition. After the fever subsides, the patient may adopt an all-fruit diet for two or three days. This may be followed by a fruit and milk diet for a further two or three days. Thereafter, the patient may adopt a well-balanced diet of natural foods, with emphasis on fresh fruits and raw vegetables. He should avoid spices and condiments, alcohol, tobacco, strong tea and coffee, highly seasoned meats, over-boiled milk, pulses, potatoes, rice, cheese, and refined, processed, stale, and tinned foods.
Other Measures
A warm-water enema should be taken daily during the first three to five days of the treatment.
During the course of the fever, the natural way of reducing temperature is by means of cold body packs, which should be applied several times a day. The pack is made by wringing out a sheet or a large square piece of linen material in cold water, wrapping it right round the body and legs of the patient, and then covering it completely with a blanket. The pack can be kept for an hour or so, and the body should be sponged with tepid water after removing the pack. The patient should be kept in bed and should stay there till he is well again.
Insomnia- Inability to Sleep
The term insomnia literally denotes a complete lack of sleep. It is, however, used to indicate a relative inability to sleep that consists of difficulty in falling asleep, difficulty in remaining asleep, early final awakening, or combinations of these complaints. This disease has assumed alarming proportions in the present times, specially among the upper classes in the urban set-up.
Causes and Symptoms
The single symptom that most frequently marks the onset of insomnia is difficulty in falling asleep. There may be changes in the duration and quality of sleep, persistent changes in sleep patterns, lapses of memory, and lack of concentration during the day. Other symptoms are emotional instability, loss of coordination, and confusion.
The most common cause of sleeplessness is mental tension brought about by anxiety, worries, overwork, and overexcitement Suppressed feelings of resentment, anger, and bitterness may also cause insomnia. Constipation, dyspepsia, overeating at night., excessive intake of tea or coffee, smoking, and going to bed hungry are among the other causes. Often, worrying about falling asleep is enough to keep one awake.
Home Remedies
Thiamine: Of the various food elements, thiamine or vitamin B. is of special significance in the treatment of insomnia. It is vital for strong, healthy nerves. A body starved of thiamine over a long period will be unable to relax and fall asleep naturally. Valuable sources of this vitamin are wholegrain cereals, pulses, and nuts.
Lettuce is beneficial in the treatment of insomnia as it contains a sleep-inducing substance, called 'lectucarium'. The juice of this plant has been likened in effect to the sedative action of opium without the accompanying excitement. Lettuce seeds taken in a decoction are also useful in insomnia. One tablespoon of seeds should be boiled in half a litre of water, till it is reduced by one-third.
Milk is very valuable in insomnia. A glass of milk, sweetened with honey, should be taken every night before going to bed in treating this condition. It acts as a tonic and a tranquilliser. Massaging the milk over the soles of the feet has also been found effective.
Curd is also useful in insomnia. The patient should take plenty of curd and massage it on the head. This will induce sleep.
Bottle Gourd:
The mixture of bottle gourd juice and sesame oil in a 50:50 ratio acts as an effective medicine for insomnia. It should be massaged over the scalp every night The cooked leaves of bottle gourd taken as a vegetable are also beneficial in the treatment of this disease.
A tea made from aniseed is valuable in sleeplessness. This tea is prepared by boiling about 375 ml of water in a vessel and adding a teaspoon of aniseed. The water should be covered with a lid and allowed to simmer for fifteen minutes. It should then be strained and drunk hot or warm. The tea may be sweetened with honey, and hot milk may also be added to it This tea should be taken after meals or before going to bed.
Honey is beneficial in the treatment of insomnia. It has a hypnotic action and induces a sound sleep. It should be taken with water, before going to bed, in doses of two teaspoons in a large cup of water. Babies generally fall asleep after taking honey.
The herb rauwolfia is a valuable medicine for insomnia because of its indisputable efficacy as a sedative. The hypnotic action of the drug appears to have been known since ancient times. The very first dose of rauwolfia will enable a patient with a phlegmatic and gouty nature to go to sleep. The powder of the root in a quantity of 0.25 gm to 0.5 gm should be mixed with some scented. substance like cardamom and given to the patient The patient will have a sound sleep during the entire night If the disease is chronic, the patient should take 0.25 gm twice a day, in the morning as well as at night before retiring.
Dietary Considerations
The patient should take a low-salt diet as salt is said to interfere with a restful sleep. A balanced diet with simple modifications in the eating pattern .will go a long way in the treatment of insomnia. Such a diet should exclude white flour products, sugar and its products, tea, coffee, chocolate, cola drinks, alcohol, fatty foods, fried foods, and foods containing additives.
Other Measures
Regular active exercise during the day and mild exercise before retiring at night enhances the quantity and the quality of sleep. Yoga helps in a majority of cases. It provides physical and mental relaxation from one's disturbing problems. The traditional yoga. asanas which are effective for insomnia patients are shirshasana, sarvangasana, paschimottanasana, uttanasana, viparit karni and shavasana.
The patient should make an all-out effort to eliminate as many stress factors as possible. The steps in this direction should include regular practice of any relaxation method or meditation technique; cultivating the art of doing things slowly, particularly activities like eating, walking, and talking; limiting the working day to nine or ten hours and the working week to five and a half days; cultivating a creative hobby and spending some time daily on this; and avoiding meeting unrealistic targets.
Intestinal Worms- Hookworms, Roundworms, Tapeworms, Threadworms
Worms and other intestinal parasites which infest human beings are found in all countries of the world. However, they are more common in tropical and subtropical areas and are widely prevalent during the rainy season. Children are more often infested with intestinal worms than adults.
Causes and Symptoms
The usual symptoms of intestinal worms are diarrhoea, foul breath, dark circles under the eyes, constant desire for food, restlessness at night with bad dreams, anemia, and headaches. Round-worms may give rise to inflammation of the intestine and lungs, nausea, vomiting, loss of weight, fever, nervousness, and irritability. Threadworms may cause intense itching in the area around the rectum. They may also cause periodic bouts of diarrhoea alternating with constipation, loss of weight, cough, and fever. Hookworms may give rise to anemia and nutritional disorders.
The eggs of these parasites are introduced into the human system through the medium of food or water. Roundworms are caused by eating contaminated food. Threadworms may enter the body from dirty fingers and food. Hookworms enter the human body through bare foot walking on infected earth. Tapeworms are transmitted to the body through undercooked flesh foods or foods contaminated by dogs.
The real cause of intestinal worms, however, is faulty living. The eggs of these worms, taken into the human body through food and water, can breed in the intestines only if they find there a suitable medium for their propagation. This medium is an intestinal tract clogged with morbid matter.
Home Remedies
Among the numerous home remedies found beneficial in the treatment of intestinal worms, the use of coconut is most effective. It is an ancient remedy for expelling all kinds of intestinal worms. A tablespoon of freshly ground coconut should be taken at breakfast, followed by 30 to 60 ml of castor oil mixed with 250 to 375 ml of lukewarm milk after three hours. This process may be repeated till the cure is complete.
Garlic has been used from ancient times by the Chinese, Greeks, Romans, Indians, and Babylonians for expelling intestinal worms. It is still used by modem medical practitioners for the same purpose. Both fresh garlic and its oil are effective. An ancient method of its administration was to place a couple of cloves of fresh garlic in each shoe. As the person walked, the cloves got crushed, and the worm-killing garlic oil was absorbed by the skin and carried by the blood into the intestines easily, as it possessed a powerful penetrative force. This ancient method is worth a trial by those who do not like the taste of garlic and cannot eat it. Those who can eat raw garlic, however, should chew three cloves of garlic every morning.
Carrots are valuable in the elimination of threadworms among children as they are offensive to all parasites. A small cup of grated carrot taken every morning, with no other food added to the meal, can clear these worms quickly.
The digestive enzyme papain in the milky juice of the unripe papaya is a powerful agent for destroying roundworms. A tablespoon of the fresh juice of an unripe papaya, and an equal quantity of honey should be mixed with three to four tablespoons of hot water and taken as a dose by an adult. This should be followed two hours later by a dose of 30 to 60 ml of castor oil mixed in 250-375 ml of lukewarm milk. This treatment should be repeated for two days if necessary. For children between seven to ten years of age, half the above doses should be given. For children under three years, a tablespoon is sufficient.
Papaya seeds are also useful for this purpose. They are rich in a substance called caricin which is a very effective medicine for expelling roundworms. The seeds should be powdered and taken in doses of one teaspoon with one cup of milk or water daily the morning on an empty stomach. The alkaloid carpaine found in papaya leaves also has the power to destroy or expel intestinal worms. An infusion can be made by pouring 250 ml of boiling water over IS gm of dry leaves. This can be taken with honey.
The bark, both of the root and the stems of the pomegranate tree, is well known for its anthelmintic properties of destroying parasitic worms. The bark of the root is, however, preferred as it contains a greater quantity of the alkaloid punicine than the bark of the stem. This alkaloid is highly toxic to tapeworms. A cold decoction of the bark, preferably fresh bark, should be given in quantities of 90 to 180 ml three times, at intervals of one hour, to an adult. A purgative should be given after the last dose. The dose for children is 30 to 60 ml. The decoction is also used for expelling tapeworms.
The seeds of ripe pumpkin are useful in intestinal worms, especially tapeworms. One tablespoon of the seeds should be peeled and crushed, and then infused in 250 ml of boiling water and drunk. This will kill the parasites and help in expelling the tapeworms. It will be necessary to fast for a day and empty the intestines by taking the juice of boiled dry prunes. The next day, three or four tumblers of the pumpkin seed infusion should be taken.
The herb wormwood is an ancient cure for expelling intestinal worms. It was extensively used by the Greeks and Romans for this purpose. The flowering tops have been and are, to this day, largely used in the Tibbi (Unani) system of medicine in India as a drug to kill intestinal worms. They are usually powdered and given in eight to sixteen gram doses daily for roundworms and tapeworms.
The oil distilled from this plant also possesses the property to kill worms. It should be mixed with olive oil, the latter being eight times the weight of the former. This mixture can be given in doses of 50 to 100 ml for this purpose. An infusion of the herb can also be prepared by mixing 2 ml of wormwood oil in 120 ml of water, and be given as an enema for killing worms- in the rectum.
Dietary Considerations
The treatment for intestinal worms should begin with diet. The patient should be kept on an exclusive fresh-fruit diet for four or five days. Thereafter, he may adopt a well-balanced light diet consisting mainly of fruits, vegetables, milk, and whole meal bread. The diet should exclude fatty foods such as butter, cream, and oil, and all flesh foods.
In some cases, the all-fruit diet may have to be repeated at intervals and in obstinate cases, the patient should resort to a short fast of raw fruit and vegetable juices.
Other Measures
During the all-fruit or fasting period, the bowel should be cleansed daily with a warm-water enema.
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