F >>> Fever, Fatigue, Female sterility
Fever refers to a condition of the body in which the temperature goes beyond the normal. It is also characterised by disturbance in the normal functioning of the system. It is a common ailment which occurs both in children and adults.
The average temperature of a healthy body ranges between 36.90 C and 37.50 C, or 98.40 F and 99.50 F. It is liable to marginal variations, depending on the intake of food, the amount of exercise, and the temperature surrounding the atmosphere. The lowest temperature of the body occurs between the hours of 1.30 a.m. to 7 a.m. and the highest between 4 p.m. to 9 p.m.
Causes and Symptoms
Fever generally begins with slight shivering, pain in the head and various parts of the body, thirst, and great lassitude. The flow of urine is scanty. As the fever rises, the pulse and respiration become faster. Finally, there is profuse sweating, a copious flow of concentrated urine, and general relief of symptoms.
The term 'fever' has a very wide application. It is the symptom of a body's fight against infection. It is one of the most common features of several diseases. In many cases, it is a secondary symptom of the disordered state of the body with which it is associated. The real cause of all fevers, including common fever, however, is the accumulation of morbid matter in the system due to wrong feeding habits and unhygienic conditions of living. Fever is thus a natural attempt on the part of the body to rid itself of toxic matter.
Holy Basil:
The leaves of holy basil are one of the most effective of several home remedies in the treatment of common fever. A decoction made of about twelve grams of these leaves, boiled in half a litre of water, should be administered twice daily with half a cup of milk, one teaspoon of sugar and a quarter teaspoon of powdered cardamom (chhoti elaichl). This will bring down the temperature.
A tea made from fenugreek seeds is equal in value to quinine in reducing fevers. This tea should be taken twicedaily. It is particularly valuable as a cleansing and soothing drink. Fenugreek seeds, when moistened with water, become slightly mucilaginous, and hence, the tea made from them has the power to dissolve a sticky substance like mucus.
Saffron :
A tea made from saffron is another effective home remedy for fever. This tea is prepared by putting half a teaspoon of saffron in 30 ml of boiling water. The patient should be given a teaspoon of this tea every hour till the temperature returns to normal.
The use of an extract from raisins is beneficial in the treatment of common fever. This extract is prepared by soaking twenty-five raisins in half a cup of water and then crushing them in the same water. They are then strained and the skin is discarded. The raisin water thus prepared becomes a tonic. Half a teaspoon of lime juice. added to the extract will enhance its taste and usefulness. It will act as a medicine in fevers, and should be taken twice daily.
A cup of fresh juice of apricots mixed with one teaspoon of glucose or honey is a very cooling drink during fevers. It quenches the thirst and eliminates the waste products from the body. It tones up the eyes, stomach, liver, heart, and nerves by supplying vitamins and minerals.
The juice of grapefruit is a valuable diet in all fevers. It quenches thirst and removes the burning sensation produced by the fever. Half a glass of grapefruit juice should be taken with an equal quantity of water.
Orange is an excellent food in all types of fever when the digestive power of the body is seriously hampered. The patient suffers from blood poisoning called toxemia, and the lack of saliva results in the coating of his tongue, often destroying his thirst for water as well as his desire for food. The agreeable flavour of orange juice helps greatly in overcoming these drawbacks. Orange juice is the ideal liquid food in fevers. It provides energy, increases urinary output, and promotes body resistance against infections, thereby hastening recovery,
BIoodwort is one of the best known herbal remedies for fevers. A hot infusion of the herb prepared by steeping 15 gm of the 'herb in 250 ml of water should be taken twice daily. It will induce perspiration, which will, in turn, cool the fever and expel toxins.
Hog Weed:
Another herb found beneficial in the treatment of fever is hog weed. It should be taken twice daily in the form of an infusion prepared by steeping 15 gIll of the herb in 250 ml of water. It brings down temperature by inducing copious perspiration.
Dietary Considerations
The patient should be put on a fast of orange juice and water at the beginning of the treatment. The procedure is to drink the juice of an orange in a glass of warm water every two hours from 8 am to 8 pm. After the temperature has come down to normal and the tongue has cleared, the patient may adopt an all-fruit diet for a few more days. In this regimen, he should take three meals a day of fresh juicy fruits. Thereafter, he may gradually embark upon a well-balanced diet according to his age, with emphasis on fresh fruits, and raw or lightly cooked vegetables.
Other Measures
While the patient is on an orange juice fast, a warm-water enema should be given daily to cleanse the bowels. Cold compresses may be applied to the head in case the temperature rises above 39.40 C or 1030 F. If this method does not succeed, a cold pack may be applied to the whole body. The procedure is to wring but a sheet or any other large, square piece of linen material in cold water. It should be wrapped twice right round the body from face downwards. The body should then be covered completely with a thin blanket or similar warm material. This pack should be applied every three hours during the day while the temperature is high, and kept on for an hour or so each time. Hot water bottles may' be kept on the feet and against the side of the body.
Fatigue - Exhaustion
Almost every one has to work long hours on certain occasions, I sacrificing rest and sleep. This may cause temporary fatigue.
Causes and Symptoms
Fatigue refers to a feeling of tiredness or weariness. It can be temporary or chronic. This condition can be remedied by adequate rest Chronic or continuous fatigue is, however, a serious problem which requires a comprehensive plan of treatment. A specific character trait, compulsiveness, can lead to continuous fatigue. Many persons constantly feel that they cannot take rest until they finish everything that needs to be done at one time. These persons are usually tense and cannot relax unless they complete the whole job, no matter how tired they may be.
The main cause of fatigue is lowered vitality or lack of energy due to wrong feeding habits. The habitual use of refined foods such as white sugar, refined cereals, white flour products, and processed foods have very bad effect on the system in general. Foods 'denatured' in this way are deprived, to a very great extent, of their invaluable vitamins and minerals. Certain physical and mental conditions can cause fatigue. These include anemia, intestinal worms, low blood pressure, low blood sugar, any kind of infection in the body, liver damage, allergy to foods and drugs, insomnia, mental tension, and unresolved emotional problems. Poisons and toxins resulting from air, soil, and water pollution can also lead to fatigue.
Home Remedies
Cereal Seeds:
The patient suffering from fatigue should eat nutritious foods which supply energy to the body. Cereal seeds in their natural state relieve fatigue and provide energy. These cereal seeds are com seeds, wheat seeds, rye seeds, maize seeds, barley seeds, and oat seeds. They must be freshly milled. In uncooked cereals we have a perfect food for perfect health which contain the essential vitamins and energy creators. In addition to cereal seeds, fresh raw nuts should be taken directly.
B Vitamins:
The patient should also take natural vitamins and mineral supplements as an effective assurance against nutritional deficiencies as such deficiencies cause fatigue. Lack of pantothenic acid, a B vitamin, in particular, leads to extreme fatigue as deficiency of this vitamin is associated with exhaustion of the adrenal glands. A daily dosage of 30 mg of pantothenic acid or vitamin B5 is recommended. However the entire B complex group should be taken, with the recommended quantity of pantothenic acid, so as to avoid imbalance of some of the other B vitamins. In fact the entire B complex group protects nerves and increases energy by helping to nourish and regulate glands. Foods rich in vitamin B are brewer's yeast, wheat germ, rice polishing, and liver.
Minerals are also important Potassium is essential for protection against fatigue. Green leafy vegetables, oranges, potatoes and lentils' are rich in this mineral. Calcium is essential for relaxation and is beneficial in cases of insomnia and tension, both of which can lead to fatigue. Milk and milk products, green vegetables, sesame seeds, almonds, oats, and walnuts are rich sources of calcium. Sodium and zinc are also beneficial in the treatment of fatigue. Foods such as celery, cucumber, lettuce, and apples are good sources of sodium; while legumes, wholegrain products and pumpkin seeds contain ample quantities of zinc.
Dates are an effective home remedy for fatigue and those suffering from tiredness should consume them regularly. Five to seven dates should be soaked overnight in half a cup of water and crushed in the morning in the same water after removing the seeds. This water with the essence of the dates should be taken at least twice a week.
Grapefruit has been found valuable in allaying fatigue. Taking a glass of grapefruit and lemon juice in equal parts is an excellent way of dispelling fatigue and general tiredness after a day's work.
Lemon Balm:
The herb lemon balm is also very useful for brain fatigue or mental tiredness. A cold infusion of the balm should be taken freely in the treatment of this condition. This infusion is prepared by placing thirty grams of the herb in half a litre of cold water and allowing it to stand for twelve hours. It is then strained and taken in small doses throughout the day.
Dietary Considerations
Nutritional measures are most vital in the treatment of fatigue. Studies reveal that people who eat snacks in-between meals suffer less from fatigue and nervousness, think more clearly, and are more efficient than those who eat only three meals daily. These snacks should consist of fresh or dried fruits, fresh fruit or vegetable juices, raw vegetables, or small sandwiches of whole grain bread. These snacks should be light and less food should be consumed at regular meals. The snacks should also be taken at specified timings such as 11 a.m., 4 p.m., and before retiring.
Other Measures
Chronic fatigue caused by poor circulation can be remedied by daily physical exercise. It will help relieve tension, bring a degree of freshness, renew energy, and induce sleep. Brisk walking, bicycling, gardening, playing tennis or golf are all good forms of exercise.
Massage, cold applications increasing in degree gradually, or alternate hot and cold baths, stimulate the muscles to renewed activity, thereby relieving fatigue. They do not simply deaden the sense of fatigue as follows the use of tea or coffee, but have a real tonic effect.
Female Sterility-Inability to Conceive
Sterility in females refers to the incapacity to conceive and give birth to a living baby. Sterility or failure to reproduce must be distinguished from frigidity which denotes failure to perform the sex act or performing it imperfectly.
Causes and Symptoms
Female sterility may be due to physical defects, physical debility, and functional faults. Sterility due to physical debility can result from poor health as a consequence of certain acute. or chronic diseases. Complaints like gonorrhoea, syphilis, and inflammation of the fallopian tubes also come under this category. Chronic anemia, constipation, and leucorrhoea aggravate these conditions. Sterility may also be caused by loss of essential glands or organs of reproduction, or a decrease in their functions. Obesity or emaciation due either to dietetic errors or faulty metabolism are other factors which can contribute to female sterility. Psychological factors like emotional stress, tension, mental depression, anxiety, and fear may also result in psychosomatic sterility. This condition is generally temporary and can be corrected by psychotherapy,
Home Remedies
The patient should be seen by a specialist so that the specific cause is found and treated. The following measures are helpful:
Banyan Roots:
The tender roots of the banyan tree are one of the valuable remedies found beneficial in the treatment of female sterility where there are no organic defects or congenital deformities. These roots should be dried in the shade and finely powdered. About twenty grams of this powder should be mixed with milk, which should be five times the weight of the powder, and taken at night for three consecutive nights after the monthly periods are over. When this remedy is administered, no other food should be eaten for a short while thereafter. This remedy should be repeated after the completion of the menstrual cycle every month till conception takes place.
Jambul Leaves:
An infusion of the fresh tender leaves of jambul fruit is an excellent remedy for sterility or miscarriage due to an ovarian or endometrium functional disorder. The infusion can be prepared by pouring 250 ml of boiling water over 20 gm of fresh jambul leaves, and allowing it to steep for two hours. The infusion may be taken with either two teaspoons of honey or 200 ml of buttermilk.
Winter Cherry:
The herb winter cherry is another valuable remedy found helpful in sterility. The herb should be powdered and six grams of this powder should be taken with one cup of milk for five to six nights after menstruation.
Certain nutrients, especially vitamins C and E, and zinc, have been found helpful in some cases of sterility. A woman who is unable to conceive should take 1000 mg of vitamin C, 100 LD. of vitamin E and 30 mg of zinc daily.
Dietary Considerations
Physical debility and functional faults of organic nature can be cured by simple and effective methods of natural treatment, of which optimum nutrition is an essential part. Fasting is the best remedy for the treatment of disorders resulting from toxins in the system. A short fast of two or three days should be undertaken at regular intervals by women who are unable to bear children.
Diet is an important factor in the treatment of sterility. It should contain seeds, nuts, grains, vegetables, and fruits. These foods should be supplemented with milk, vegetable oils, and honey. Curd and cottage cheese are also recommended. About seventy to eighty per cent of the diet should consist of foods in their natural uncooked state, because cooking destroys much of the nutritional value of most foods. Sprouting is an excellent way of consuming seeds, beans, and grains in their raw form, as in the process of sprouting, the nutritional value is multiplied, new vitamins are created and the protein quality is improved. Excessive fat, spicy foods, strong tea, coffee, white sugar, white flour, refined cereals, flesh foods, greasy or fried foods should all be avoided.
Other Measures
The bowels should be cleansed by a warm-water enema during the period of fasting and afterwards when necessary. This will have a beneficial effect not only on the digestive system but also on the surrounding organs of the urinary and genital system. Other helpful measures in overcoming female sterility are mud packs and cold water treatments like a hip bath and wet girdle pack. These treatments greatly improve internal circulation in the genital organs and relieve them of all kinds of inflammation and other abnormalities. Mud packs may be applied to the abdomen and sexual organs. The cold hip bath should be taken for ten minutes at a water temperature of 100C – 18.30C. For a wet girdle pack, a thin underwear wrung "in cold water should be worn. Over this, a thick, dry cotton or woolen underwear should be worn. All cold treatments should be suspended during menstruation.
Certain yoga asanas which are said to tone up the gonads or ovaries should also be practised regularly for overcoming female sterility. These asanas are saruangasana, matsyasana, ardhamatsyendrasana, paschimottanasana and shalabhasana.
All these measures, along with clean habits, proper rest, and relaxation will go a long way in overcoming female sterility.
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Fever refers to a condition of the body in which the temperature goes beyond the normal. It is also characterised by disturbance in the normal functioning of the system. It is a common ailment which occurs both in children and adults.
The average temperature of a healthy body ranges between 36.90 C and 37.50 C, or 98.40 F and 99.50 F. It is liable to marginal variations, depending on the intake of food, the amount of exercise, and the temperature surrounding the atmosphere. The lowest temperature of the body occurs between the hours of 1.30 a.m. to 7 a.m. and the highest between 4 p.m. to 9 p.m.
Causes and Symptoms
Fever generally begins with slight shivering, pain in the head and various parts of the body, thirst, and great lassitude. The flow of urine is scanty. As the fever rises, the pulse and respiration become faster. Finally, there is profuse sweating, a copious flow of concentrated urine, and general relief of symptoms.
The term 'fever' has a very wide application. It is the symptom of a body's fight against infection. It is one of the most common features of several diseases. In many cases, it is a secondary symptom of the disordered state of the body with which it is associated. The real cause of all fevers, including common fever, however, is the accumulation of morbid matter in the system due to wrong feeding habits and unhygienic conditions of living. Fever is thus a natural attempt on the part of the body to rid itself of toxic matter.
Holy Basil:
The leaves of holy basil are one of the most effective of several home remedies in the treatment of common fever. A decoction made of about twelve grams of these leaves, boiled in half a litre of water, should be administered twice daily with half a cup of milk, one teaspoon of sugar and a quarter teaspoon of powdered cardamom (chhoti elaichl). This will bring down the temperature.
A tea made from fenugreek seeds is equal in value to quinine in reducing fevers. This tea should be taken twicedaily. It is particularly valuable as a cleansing and soothing drink. Fenugreek seeds, when moistened with water, become slightly mucilaginous, and hence, the tea made from them has the power to dissolve a sticky substance like mucus.
Saffron :
A tea made from saffron is another effective home remedy for fever. This tea is prepared by putting half a teaspoon of saffron in 30 ml of boiling water. The patient should be given a teaspoon of this tea every hour till the temperature returns to normal.
The use of an extract from raisins is beneficial in the treatment of common fever. This extract is prepared by soaking twenty-five raisins in half a cup of water and then crushing them in the same water. They are then strained and the skin is discarded. The raisin water thus prepared becomes a tonic. Half a teaspoon of lime juice. added to the extract will enhance its taste and usefulness. It will act as a medicine in fevers, and should be taken twice daily.
A cup of fresh juice of apricots mixed with one teaspoon of glucose or honey is a very cooling drink during fevers. It quenches the thirst and eliminates the waste products from the body. It tones up the eyes, stomach, liver, heart, and nerves by supplying vitamins and minerals.
The juice of grapefruit is a valuable diet in all fevers. It quenches thirst and removes the burning sensation produced by the fever. Half a glass of grapefruit juice should be taken with an equal quantity of water.
Orange is an excellent food in all types of fever when the digestive power of the body is seriously hampered. The patient suffers from blood poisoning called toxemia, and the lack of saliva results in the coating of his tongue, often destroying his thirst for water as well as his desire for food. The agreeable flavour of orange juice helps greatly in overcoming these drawbacks. Orange juice is the ideal liquid food in fevers. It provides energy, increases urinary output, and promotes body resistance against infections, thereby hastening recovery,
BIoodwort is one of the best known herbal remedies for fevers. A hot infusion of the herb prepared by steeping 15 gm of the 'herb in 250 ml of water should be taken twice daily. It will induce perspiration, which will, in turn, cool the fever and expel toxins.
Hog Weed:
Another herb found beneficial in the treatment of fever is hog weed. It should be taken twice daily in the form of an infusion prepared by steeping 15 gIll of the herb in 250 ml of water. It brings down temperature by inducing copious perspiration.
Dietary Considerations
The patient should be put on a fast of orange juice and water at the beginning of the treatment. The procedure is to drink the juice of an orange in a glass of warm water every two hours from 8 am to 8 pm. After the temperature has come down to normal and the tongue has cleared, the patient may adopt an all-fruit diet for a few more days. In this regimen, he should take three meals a day of fresh juicy fruits. Thereafter, he may gradually embark upon a well-balanced diet according to his age, with emphasis on fresh fruits, and raw or lightly cooked vegetables.
Other Measures
While the patient is on an orange juice fast, a warm-water enema should be given daily to cleanse the bowels. Cold compresses may be applied to the head in case the temperature rises above 39.40 C or 1030 F. If this method does not succeed, a cold pack may be applied to the whole body. The procedure is to wring but a sheet or any other large, square piece of linen material in cold water. It should be wrapped twice right round the body from face downwards. The body should then be covered completely with a thin blanket or similar warm material. This pack should be applied every three hours during the day while the temperature is high, and kept on for an hour or so each time. Hot water bottles may' be kept on the feet and against the side of the body.
Fatigue - Exhaustion
Almost every one has to work long hours on certain occasions, I sacrificing rest and sleep. This may cause temporary fatigue.
Causes and Symptoms
Fatigue refers to a feeling of tiredness or weariness. It can be temporary or chronic. This condition can be remedied by adequate rest Chronic or continuous fatigue is, however, a serious problem which requires a comprehensive plan of treatment. A specific character trait, compulsiveness, can lead to continuous fatigue. Many persons constantly feel that they cannot take rest until they finish everything that needs to be done at one time. These persons are usually tense and cannot relax unless they complete the whole job, no matter how tired they may be.
The main cause of fatigue is lowered vitality or lack of energy due to wrong feeding habits. The habitual use of refined foods such as white sugar, refined cereals, white flour products, and processed foods have very bad effect on the system in general. Foods 'denatured' in this way are deprived, to a very great extent, of their invaluable vitamins and minerals. Certain physical and mental conditions can cause fatigue. These include anemia, intestinal worms, low blood pressure, low blood sugar, any kind of infection in the body, liver damage, allergy to foods and drugs, insomnia, mental tension, and unresolved emotional problems. Poisons and toxins resulting from air, soil, and water pollution can also lead to fatigue.
Home Remedies
Cereal Seeds:
The patient suffering from fatigue should eat nutritious foods which supply energy to the body. Cereal seeds in their natural state relieve fatigue and provide energy. These cereal seeds are com seeds, wheat seeds, rye seeds, maize seeds, barley seeds, and oat seeds. They must be freshly milled. In uncooked cereals we have a perfect food for perfect health which contain the essential vitamins and energy creators. In addition to cereal seeds, fresh raw nuts should be taken directly.
B Vitamins:
The patient should also take natural vitamins and mineral supplements as an effective assurance against nutritional deficiencies as such deficiencies cause fatigue. Lack of pantothenic acid, a B vitamin, in particular, leads to extreme fatigue as deficiency of this vitamin is associated with exhaustion of the adrenal glands. A daily dosage of 30 mg of pantothenic acid or vitamin B5 is recommended. However the entire B complex group should be taken, with the recommended quantity of pantothenic acid, so as to avoid imbalance of some of the other B vitamins. In fact the entire B complex group protects nerves and increases energy by helping to nourish and regulate glands. Foods rich in vitamin B are brewer's yeast, wheat germ, rice polishing, and liver.
Minerals are also important Potassium is essential for protection against fatigue. Green leafy vegetables, oranges, potatoes and lentils' are rich in this mineral. Calcium is essential for relaxation and is beneficial in cases of insomnia and tension, both of which can lead to fatigue. Milk and milk products, green vegetables, sesame seeds, almonds, oats, and walnuts are rich sources of calcium. Sodium and zinc are also beneficial in the treatment of fatigue. Foods such as celery, cucumber, lettuce, and apples are good sources of sodium; while legumes, wholegrain products and pumpkin seeds contain ample quantities of zinc.
Dates are an effective home remedy for fatigue and those suffering from tiredness should consume them regularly. Five to seven dates should be soaked overnight in half a cup of water and crushed in the morning in the same water after removing the seeds. This water with the essence of the dates should be taken at least twice a week.
Grapefruit has been found valuable in allaying fatigue. Taking a glass of grapefruit and lemon juice in equal parts is an excellent way of dispelling fatigue and general tiredness after a day's work.
Lemon Balm:
The herb lemon balm is also very useful for brain fatigue or mental tiredness. A cold infusion of the balm should be taken freely in the treatment of this condition. This infusion is prepared by placing thirty grams of the herb in half a litre of cold water and allowing it to stand for twelve hours. It is then strained and taken in small doses throughout the day.
Dietary Considerations
Nutritional measures are most vital in the treatment of fatigue. Studies reveal that people who eat snacks in-between meals suffer less from fatigue and nervousness, think more clearly, and are more efficient than those who eat only three meals daily. These snacks should consist of fresh or dried fruits, fresh fruit or vegetable juices, raw vegetables, or small sandwiches of whole grain bread. These snacks should be light and less food should be consumed at regular meals. The snacks should also be taken at specified timings such as 11 a.m., 4 p.m., and before retiring.
Other Measures
Chronic fatigue caused by poor circulation can be remedied by daily physical exercise. It will help relieve tension, bring a degree of freshness, renew energy, and induce sleep. Brisk walking, bicycling, gardening, playing tennis or golf are all good forms of exercise.
Massage, cold applications increasing in degree gradually, or alternate hot and cold baths, stimulate the muscles to renewed activity, thereby relieving fatigue. They do not simply deaden the sense of fatigue as follows the use of tea or coffee, but have a real tonic effect.
Female Sterility-Inability to Conceive
Sterility in females refers to the incapacity to conceive and give birth to a living baby. Sterility or failure to reproduce must be distinguished from frigidity which denotes failure to perform the sex act or performing it imperfectly.
Causes and Symptoms
Female sterility may be due to physical defects, physical debility, and functional faults. Sterility due to physical debility can result from poor health as a consequence of certain acute. or chronic diseases. Complaints like gonorrhoea, syphilis, and inflammation of the fallopian tubes also come under this category. Chronic anemia, constipation, and leucorrhoea aggravate these conditions. Sterility may also be caused by loss of essential glands or organs of reproduction, or a decrease in their functions. Obesity or emaciation due either to dietetic errors or faulty metabolism are other factors which can contribute to female sterility. Psychological factors like emotional stress, tension, mental depression, anxiety, and fear may also result in psychosomatic sterility. This condition is generally temporary and can be corrected by psychotherapy,
Home Remedies
The patient should be seen by a specialist so that the specific cause is found and treated. The following measures are helpful:
Banyan Roots:
The tender roots of the banyan tree are one of the valuable remedies found beneficial in the treatment of female sterility where there are no organic defects or congenital deformities. These roots should be dried in the shade and finely powdered. About twenty grams of this powder should be mixed with milk, which should be five times the weight of the powder, and taken at night for three consecutive nights after the monthly periods are over. When this remedy is administered, no other food should be eaten for a short while thereafter. This remedy should be repeated after the completion of the menstrual cycle every month till conception takes place.
Jambul Leaves:
An infusion of the fresh tender leaves of jambul fruit is an excellent remedy for sterility or miscarriage due to an ovarian or endometrium functional disorder. The infusion can be prepared by pouring 250 ml of boiling water over 20 gm of fresh jambul leaves, and allowing it to steep for two hours. The infusion may be taken with either two teaspoons of honey or 200 ml of buttermilk.
Winter Cherry:
The herb winter cherry is another valuable remedy found helpful in sterility. The herb should be powdered and six grams of this powder should be taken with one cup of milk for five to six nights after menstruation.
Certain nutrients, especially vitamins C and E, and zinc, have been found helpful in some cases of sterility. A woman who is unable to conceive should take 1000 mg of vitamin C, 100 LD. of vitamin E and 30 mg of zinc daily.
Dietary Considerations
Physical debility and functional faults of organic nature can be cured by simple and effective methods of natural treatment, of which optimum nutrition is an essential part. Fasting is the best remedy for the treatment of disorders resulting from toxins in the system. A short fast of two or three days should be undertaken at regular intervals by women who are unable to bear children.
Diet is an important factor in the treatment of sterility. It should contain seeds, nuts, grains, vegetables, and fruits. These foods should be supplemented with milk, vegetable oils, and honey. Curd and cottage cheese are also recommended. About seventy to eighty per cent of the diet should consist of foods in their natural uncooked state, because cooking destroys much of the nutritional value of most foods. Sprouting is an excellent way of consuming seeds, beans, and grains in their raw form, as in the process of sprouting, the nutritional value is multiplied, new vitamins are created and the protein quality is improved. Excessive fat, spicy foods, strong tea, coffee, white sugar, white flour, refined cereals, flesh foods, greasy or fried foods should all be avoided.
Other Measures
The bowels should be cleansed by a warm-water enema during the period of fasting and afterwards when necessary. This will have a beneficial effect not only on the digestive system but also on the surrounding organs of the urinary and genital system. Other helpful measures in overcoming female sterility are mud packs and cold water treatments like a hip bath and wet girdle pack. These treatments greatly improve internal circulation in the genital organs and relieve them of all kinds of inflammation and other abnormalities. Mud packs may be applied to the abdomen and sexual organs. The cold hip bath should be taken for ten minutes at a water temperature of 100C – 18.30C. For a wet girdle pack, a thin underwear wrung "in cold water should be worn. Over this, a thick, dry cotton or woolen underwear should be worn. All cold treatments should be suspended during menstruation.
Certain yoga asanas which are said to tone up the gonads or ovaries should also be practised regularly for overcoming female sterility. These asanas are saruangasana, matsyasana, ardhamatsyendrasana, paschimottanasana and shalabhasana.
All these measures, along with clean habits, proper rest, and relaxation will go a long way in overcoming female sterility.
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