H >>> Headache, High cholesterol, High blood pressure, Hysteria
Headaches afflict almost everyone at some time or the other. Most headaches are functional, being caused by temporary upsets, and are not related to any organic. changes in the brain. They are often nature's warning that something is wrong somewhere in the body. The actual pain, however, arises from irritation to nerve endings in the shoulder, neck, and scalp muscles, and also in the smooth muscles encircling the blood vessels which serve these areas.
Causes and Symptoms of Headache The common causes of headaches are allergy, emotional stress, eye strain, high blood pressure, a hangover, infection, low blood sugar, nutritional deficiency, tension, and the presence of poisons and toxins in the body. Allergies are often the unsuspected cause of headaches. The foods to which some people are allergic and which can trigger headaches are milk and milk products, chocolates, chicken, liver, alcohol, and strong cheese. Sneezing and diarrhoea are further indications of an allergy.
Home Remedies for Headache Lemon: There are several remedies for various types of headaches. Lemon is beneficial in its treatment. The juice of three or four slices of lemon should be squeezed in a cup of tea and taken by the patient for treating this condition. It gives immediate relief. The crust of lemon, which is generally thrown away, has been found useful in headaches caused by heat. Lemon crusts should be pounded into a fine paste in a mortar and applied as plaster on the forehead. Applying the yellow, freshly pared-off rind of a lemon to each temple will also give relief.
Apples are valuable in all types of headaches. After removing the upper rind and the inner hard portion of a ripe apple, it should be taken with a little salt every morning on an empty stomach in such cases. This should be continued for about a week.
The flowers of henna have been found valuable in headaches caused by hot sun. The flowers should be rubbed in vinegar and applied over the forehead. This remedy will soon provide relief.
Cinnamon is useful in headaches caused by exposure to cold air. A fine paste of this spice should be prepared by mixing it with water and it should be applied over the temples and forehead to obtain relief
The herb marjoram is beneficial in the treatment of a nervous headache. An infusion of the leaves is taken as a tea in the treatment of this disorder.
The herb rosemary has been found valuable in headaches resulting from cold. A handful of this herb should be boiled in a litre of water and put in a mug. The head should be covered with a towel and the steam inhaled for as long as the patient can bear. This should be repeated till the headache is relieved.
Dietary Considerations in Headache The best way to prevent headaches is to build up physical resistance through proper nutrition, physical exercise and positive thinking. As a first step, the patient should undertake a short fast, and take citrus fruit juices diluted with water every two hours from 8.00 a.m. to 8.00 p.m. daily. Thereafter, he should plan his diet in such a way as to put the least possible strain on the digestion. Breakfast may consist of fruits, both fresh and dried. Lunch may consist of protein foods. Starchy foods such as whole wheat bread, cereals, rice, or potatoes should be taken at dinner along with raw salads. Spices, condiments, sour buttermilk, and oily foodstuffs should be avoided. Drinking a glass of water (warm water in winter and cool water in summer), mixed with a teaspoon of honey first thing in the morning, is also a good remedy. Copious drinking of water throughout the day is also advised.
Other Measures
Other helpful measures in the treatment of headaches are a cleansing enema with water temperature at 37°C, a cold throat pack, frequent applications of towels wrung out from very hot water to the back of the neck, a cold compress at 4.4°C to 15.6°C applied to the head and face, or an alternate spinal compress. Hot fomentations over the abdominal region just before retiring relieve headaches caused by stomach and liver upsets.
Hot foot baths are also beneficial in the natural treatment of chronic headache. The patient should keep his legs in a tub or bucket filled with hot water at a temperature of 40°C to 45°C for fifteen minutes every night before retiring. This treatment should be continued for two or three weeks.
Yogic kriyas like jalneti and kunjal; pranayamas like anulomaviloma, shitali, and sitkari; and asanas such as uttanpadasana, sarvangasana, paschimottanasana, halasana, and shavasana are also beneficial in the treatment of headaches
High Cholesterol
Although cholesterol is essential for life, it has a bad reputation, being a major villain in heart disease. Every person with high blood cholesterol is regarded as a potential candidate for heart attack or a stroke. Most of the cholesterol found in the body is produced in the liver. However, about twenty to thirty per cent generally comes from the foods we eat
Cholesterol is measured in milligrams per 100 millimeters of blood. The normal level of cholesterol varies between 150 - 200 mg per 100 ml. In blood, cholesterol occurs in combination with certain lipids (fats), hence, known as lipoproteins. There are two main types of lipoproteins: a low density one (LDL) and a high density one (HDL). The low density lipoprotein is the one which is considered harmful and is associated with cholesterol deposits in blood vessels. The higher the ratio of LDL to the total cholesterol, the greater will be the risk of arterial damage and heart disease. HDL, on the other hand, plays a salutory role by helping remove cholesterol from circulation and thereby reducing the risk of heart disease
Causes and Symptoms of High Cholesterol Hypercholesterolaemia or increase in cholesterol is mainly a hereditary disorder. It is also caused by taking rich foods and fried foods: excessive consumption of milk and its products like ghee, butter, and cream; white flour, sugar, cakes, pastries, biscuits, cheese, and ice cream; and non-vegetarian foods like meat, fish, and eggs. Other causes of increase in cholesterol are Irregularity in habits, smoking, and drinking alcohol. Stress has also been found to be a major cause of Increased level of cholesterol.
Herbal Remedies for high Cholesterol and Home Remedies for Cholesterol Control Lecithin:
Lecithin, also a fatty food substance and the most abundant of the phospholipids, is beneficial in case of increase in cholesterol level. It has the ability to break up cholesterol into small particles which can be easily handled by the system. With sufficient intake of lecithin, cholesterol cannot build up against the walls of the arteries and veins. Lecithin also increases the production of bile acids made from cholesterol, thereby reducing its amount in the blood. Egg yolk, vegetable oils, wholegrain cereals, soyabeans, and unpasturised milk are rich sources of lecithin. The cells of the body are also capable of synthesizing it as needed, if several of the B vitamins are present
Vitamins B6, choline, and inositol are particularly effective in reducing the level of blood cholesterol. Wheat germ, yeast, or vitamin B extracted from bran contain high quantities of these vitamins. Vitamin E also elevates blood lecithin and reduces cholesterol.
The patient should take liberal quantities of vitamin E - rich foods such as sunflower seeds, safflower, soyabean oils, butter, and sprouted seeds and grains.
Sunflower Seeds:
Sunflower seeds are valuable in lowering high blood cholesterol. They contain a substantial quantity of linoleic acid which Is the fat helpful in reducing cholesterol deposits on the walls of arteries. Substituting sunflower seeds for some of the solid fats like butter and cream will, therefore, lead to great improvement in health.
Coriander Seeds:
Regular drinking of a decoction of coriander seeds helps lower blood cholesterol. It Is a good diuretic and helps stimulate the kidneys. It is prepared by boiling two tablespoons of dry seeds in a glass of water, and straining the decoction after cooling. This decoction should be taken twice daily.
Ishabgul: (Psyllium husk)
The herb ishabgul has been found beneficial in the herbal treatment of high cholesterol levels. The oil of the seeds of this plant should be given for lowering blood cholesterol. It contains fifty per cent linoleic acid. This oil is more active than safflower oil, and one teaspoon should be taken twice daily.
The amount of fibre in the diet also influences the cholesterol levels and LDL cholesterol can be lowered by taking diets rich in fibres. The most significant sources of dietary fibre are unprocessed wheat bran, whole cereals such as wheat, rice, barley, rye; legumes such as potatoes, carrots, beet, and turnips; fruits such as mangoes and guavas; and leafy vegetables such as cabbage, lady's fingers, lettuce, and celery. Oat bran and com bran are specially beneficial in lowering LDL cholesterol.
Dietary Changes for Cholesterol Control To reduce the risk of heart disease, it is essential to lower the level of LDL and increase the level of HDL. This can be achieved by a change in diet and lifestyle. As a first step, foods rich in cholesterol and saturated fats, which lead to an increase in the LDL level, should be reduced to the minimum. These foods are eggs, organic meats, cheese, butter, bacon, beef, and whole milk. Virtually all foods of animal origin, as well as two vegetable oils, namely, coconut and palm, are high in saturated fats, and these should be replaced by polyunsaturated fats such as com, safflower, soyabean, and sesame oils which tend to lower the level of LDL.
Persons with high blood cholesterol level should drink at least eight to ten glasses of water every day, as copious drinking of water stimulates the excretory activity of the skin and kidneys. This, in turn, facilitates elimination of excessive cholesterol from the system.
Other Measures to Control Cholesterol Naturally Regular physical exercise also plays an important role in lowering LDL cholesterol and in raising the level of protective HDL. It also promotes circulation and helps maintain the blood flow to every part of the body. Jogging or brisk walking, swimming, bicycling, and playing badminton are excellent forms of exercise.
High Blood Pressure- Hypertension
Hypertension or high blood pressure, as it is more commonly known, is regarded as a silent killer. It is a disease of the modern age. The fast pace of life and the mental and physical pressures caused by the increasingly industrialized and metropolitan environments have a role to play in the rise in blood pressure.
Blood pressure is measured with an instrument called sphygno-manometer in millimeters of mercury. The highest pressure reached during each heart beat is called systolic pressure, and the lowest between two beats is known as diastolic pressure. Most young adults have blood pressure around 120/80. It increases normally with age, even going upto 160/90.
Causes and Symptoms
The first symptom of hypertension may appear as a pain at the back of the head and neck on waking in the morning, which soon disappears. Some of the other common symptoms are dizziness, palpitations, pain in the region of the heart., frequent urination, nervous tension, fatigue, and difficulty in breathing.
The chief causes of high blood pressure are stress and a faulty style of living. Smoking and an excessive intake of intoxicants, tea, coffee, and refined foods destroy the natural pace of life and prevent the expulsion of waste and poisonous matter from the body. Hardening of the arteries (atherosclerosis), obesity, and diabetes lead to hypertension. Other causes of high blood pressure are an excessive intake of common table salt, and eating a high fat and low fibre diet.
Home Remedies
Garlic is regarded as an effective means of lowering blood pressure. It is said to reduce spasms of the small arteries. It also slows down the pulse rate and modifies the heart rhythm, besides relieving the symptoms of dizziness, numbness, shortness of breath, and the formation of gas within tile digestive tract It may be taken in the form of raw cloves or two to three capsules a day.
Indian Gooseberry:
Indian gooseberry is another effective remedy for high blood pressure. A tablespoon each of fresh amla juice and honey mixed together should be taken every morning in this condition.
Lemon is also regarded as a valuable food to control high blood pressure. It is a rich source of vitamin P which is found both in the juice and peel of the fruit This vitamin is essential for preventing capillary fragility.
Grapefruit is useful in preventing high blood pressure. The vitamin P content in the fruit is helpful in toning up the arteries.
Watermelon is another valuable safeguard against high blood pressure. A substance extracted from watermelon seeds is said to have a definite action in dilating the blood vessels, which results in lowering the blood pressure. The seeds, dried and roasted, should be taken in liberal quantities.
Rice has a low-fat, low-cholesterol, and low-salt content. It makes a perfect diet for those hypertensive persons who have been advised salt-restricted diets. Calcium in brown rice, in particular, soothes and relaxes the nervous system and helps relieve the symptoms of high blood pressure.
Potatoes, specially in boiled form, are a valuable food for lowering blood pressure. When boiled with their skin, they ab.sorb very little salt. Thus they can form a useful addition to a salt-free diet recommended for patients with high blood pressure. Potatoes are rich in potassium but not in sodium salts. The magnesium present in the vegetable exercises beneficial effects in lowering blood pressure.
Parsley is very useful in high blood pressure. It contains elements which help maintain the blood vessels, particularly, the capillaries. It keeps the arterial system in a healthy condition. It may be taken as a beverage by simmering 20 gm of fresh parsley leaves gently in 250 ml of water for a few minutes. This may be drunk several times daily.
Among the herbs, rauwolfia is the best remedy for high blood pressure. Alkaloids of this drug, which have a direct effect on hypertension, have been isolated and are being widely used by practitioners of modem medicine, but they have certain unpleasant side-effects which the drug, taken in raw form, does not have. Practitioners of the Indian system of medicine have, therefore, referred to use the root of the drug in a powdered form. Half a teaspoon of this drug, taken thrice a day, is very effective in, hypertension.
Vegetable Juices:
Raw vegetable juices, especially Carrot and spinach juices, taken separately or in combination, are also beneficial in the treatment of high blood pressure. If taken in combination, 300 ml of Carrot juice and 200 ml of spinach juice should be mixed to make 500 ml or half a litre of the juice, and taken daily. If taken separately, one glass should be taken twice daily, morning and evening.
Dietary Calcium and Potassium:
Recent studies have revealed an important link between dietary calcium and potassium and hypertension. Researchers have found that people who take potassium-rich diets have a low incidence of hypertension even if they do not control their salt intake. They have also found that people with hypertension do not seem to get much calcium in the form of dairy products. These two essential nutrients seem to help the body secrete excess sodium and are involved in important functions which control the working of the vascular system. Potassium is found in abundance in fruits and vegetables, and calcium in dairy products.
Dietary Considerations
Persons with high blood pressure should always follow a well¬ balanced routine of a proper diet, exercise, and rest Diet is of primary importance. Meat and eggs, more than any other food, cause the blood pressure to rise. The pressure can be lowered and blood clotting diminished by increasing the consumption of fruits, reducing protein intake, and sticking to a vegetarian diet A natural diet consisting of fresh fruits and vegetables instead of a traditional diet, helps to get rid of the toxins from the body. Salt should be avoided; in any case, it should not exceed more than three grams or about half a teaspoon per day.
Other Measures
Persons suffering from hypertension must get at least eight hours of good sleep, because proper rest is a vital aspect of the treatment Most important of all, the patient must avoid overstrain, worries, tension, anger, and haste. He or she must develop a calm and cheerful attitude and develop a contented frame of mind.
Hysteria - A Neurotic Disorder
Hysteria is a mental disorder arising from intense anxiety. It is characterised by lack of control over acts and emotions, and by sudden seizures of unconsciousness with emotional outbursts. It is often the result of repressed conflicts within the person. This disease appears in both sexes, but it is far more common in young women between fourteen and twenty five years of age.
Causes and Symptoms of Hysteria
The symptoms of hysteria are heaviness in the limbs, severe cramps, a strong feeling of ascending abdominal constriction, continual sighings, difficulty in breathing, constriction in the chest palpitations, feeling of a foreign body lodged in the throat, swelling of the neck and of the jugular veins, suffocation, headache, clenched teeth, and generalized and voluntary tensing of muscles of locomotion. In severe cases, additional symptoms are noticeable; these may include wild and painful cries, incomplete loss of consciousness, an enormously swollen neck, violent and tumultuous heartbeats, involuntary locomotor muscle contraction, frightening generalized convulsions, and violent movement
The physical symptoms include a weakness of the will, a craving for love and sympathy, and a tendency towards emotional instability. Hysterical trances may last for days or weeks. A patient in a trance may appear to be in a deep sleep, but the muscles are not usually relaxed.
The most common causes of hysteria are sexual repression, perverted habits of thought, and idleness. Heredity plays an important part in its causation. A nervous family background and faulty emotional training when young are predisposing causes. 'The emotional situations may be caused by mental. strain, stress, fear, worry, depression, traumatism, masturbation, and prolonged sickness.
Home Remedies for Hysteria
The jambul fruit is considered an effective home remedy for hysteria. Three kilograms of this fruit and a handful of salt should be put in a jug filled with water. The jug should be kept in the sun for a week. A women suffering from hysteria should take 300 gm of these fruits on an empty stomach, and drink a cup of water from the jug. The day she starts this treatment, 3 kg more of these fruits, mixed with a handful of salt, should be put in another jug filled with water, so that when the contents of the first jug are finished, the contents of the other will be ready for use. This treatment should be continued for two weeks.
Honey is regarded as another effective remedy for hysteria. It is advisable to take one tablespoon of honey daily.
Bottle Gourd:
Bottle gourd is useful as an external application in hysteria. Macerated fresh pulp of this vegetable should be applied over the head of the patient in the treatment of this disease.
Lettuce is considered valuable in this disease. A cup of fresh juice of lettuce, mixed with a teaspoon of Indian gooseberry (amla)juice, should be given every day in the morning for a month, as a medicine in the treatment of hysteria.
The herb rauwolfia is very useful in hysteria. One gram of the powdered root should be administered with one cup of milk in the morning as well as in the evening. Treatment should be continued till a complete cure has been obtained.
Asafoetida has also proved beneficial in the treatment of this disease. Smelling this gum prevents hysterical , attacks. If taken orally, the daily dosage should be from 0.5 to 1.0 gm. An emulsion made up of 2 gm of the gum with 120 m1 of water is a valuable enema in hysteria, when the patient resists taking the gum orally.
Dietary Considerations
In most cases of hysteria, it is desirable for patients to start the treatment by adopting an all-fruit diet for several days, taking three meals a day of juicy fruits such as oranges, apples, grapes, grapefruit, papayas, and pineapples. This may be followed by an exclusive milk diet for about a month. The milk diet will help to build better blood and nourish the nerves. If the full milk diet is not convenient, a diet of milk and fruits may be adopted. The patient may, thereafter, gradually embark upon a well-balanced diet of seeds, nuts, grains, vegetables, and fruits. The patient should avoid alcohol, tea, coffee, tobacco, white sugar and white flour, and products made from them.
Other Measures
The patient should be taught self-control and educated in the right habits of thinking. Her mind must be drawn away from herself by some means. Proper sex education should be provided and a married patient should be taught to enjoy a normal sexual relationship. Exercise and outdoor games are also important. They take the mind away from self and induce cheerfulness. Yoga asanas which are useful in hysteria are bhujangasana, shalabhasana, matsyasana, sarvangasana, dhanurasana, halasana, paschimottanasana,
yoga mudra, and shavasana. Weak patients, who are not able to do much active exercise, may be given a massage three or four times a week.
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Headaches afflict almost everyone at some time or the other. Most headaches are functional, being caused by temporary upsets, and are not related to any organic. changes in the brain. They are often nature's warning that something is wrong somewhere in the body. The actual pain, however, arises from irritation to nerve endings in the shoulder, neck, and scalp muscles, and also in the smooth muscles encircling the blood vessels which serve these areas.
Causes and Symptoms of Headache The common causes of headaches are allergy, emotional stress, eye strain, high blood pressure, a hangover, infection, low blood sugar, nutritional deficiency, tension, and the presence of poisons and toxins in the body. Allergies are often the unsuspected cause of headaches. The foods to which some people are allergic and which can trigger headaches are milk and milk products, chocolates, chicken, liver, alcohol, and strong cheese. Sneezing and diarrhoea are further indications of an allergy.
Home Remedies for Headache Lemon: There are several remedies for various types of headaches. Lemon is beneficial in its treatment. The juice of three or four slices of lemon should be squeezed in a cup of tea and taken by the patient for treating this condition. It gives immediate relief. The crust of lemon, which is generally thrown away, has been found useful in headaches caused by heat. Lemon crusts should be pounded into a fine paste in a mortar and applied as plaster on the forehead. Applying the yellow, freshly pared-off rind of a lemon to each temple will also give relief.
Apples are valuable in all types of headaches. After removing the upper rind and the inner hard portion of a ripe apple, it should be taken with a little salt every morning on an empty stomach in such cases. This should be continued for about a week.
The flowers of henna have been found valuable in headaches caused by hot sun. The flowers should be rubbed in vinegar and applied over the forehead. This remedy will soon provide relief.
Cinnamon is useful in headaches caused by exposure to cold air. A fine paste of this spice should be prepared by mixing it with water and it should be applied over the temples and forehead to obtain relief
The herb marjoram is beneficial in the treatment of a nervous headache. An infusion of the leaves is taken as a tea in the treatment of this disorder.
The herb rosemary has been found valuable in headaches resulting from cold. A handful of this herb should be boiled in a litre of water and put in a mug. The head should be covered with a towel and the steam inhaled for as long as the patient can bear. This should be repeated till the headache is relieved.
Dietary Considerations in Headache The best way to prevent headaches is to build up physical resistance through proper nutrition, physical exercise and positive thinking. As a first step, the patient should undertake a short fast, and take citrus fruit juices diluted with water every two hours from 8.00 a.m. to 8.00 p.m. daily. Thereafter, he should plan his diet in such a way as to put the least possible strain on the digestion. Breakfast may consist of fruits, both fresh and dried. Lunch may consist of protein foods. Starchy foods such as whole wheat bread, cereals, rice, or potatoes should be taken at dinner along with raw salads. Spices, condiments, sour buttermilk, and oily foodstuffs should be avoided. Drinking a glass of water (warm water in winter and cool water in summer), mixed with a teaspoon of honey first thing in the morning, is also a good remedy. Copious drinking of water throughout the day is also advised.
Other Measures
Other helpful measures in the treatment of headaches are a cleansing enema with water temperature at 37°C, a cold throat pack, frequent applications of towels wrung out from very hot water to the back of the neck, a cold compress at 4.4°C to 15.6°C applied to the head and face, or an alternate spinal compress. Hot fomentations over the abdominal region just before retiring relieve headaches caused by stomach and liver upsets.
Hot foot baths are also beneficial in the natural treatment of chronic headache. The patient should keep his legs in a tub or bucket filled with hot water at a temperature of 40°C to 45°C for fifteen minutes every night before retiring. This treatment should be continued for two or three weeks.
Yogic kriyas like jalneti and kunjal; pranayamas like anulomaviloma, shitali, and sitkari; and asanas such as uttanpadasana, sarvangasana, paschimottanasana, halasana, and shavasana are also beneficial in the treatment of headaches
High Cholesterol
Although cholesterol is essential for life, it has a bad reputation, being a major villain in heart disease. Every person with high blood cholesterol is regarded as a potential candidate for heart attack or a stroke. Most of the cholesterol found in the body is produced in the liver. However, about twenty to thirty per cent generally comes from the foods we eat
Cholesterol is measured in milligrams per 100 millimeters of blood. The normal level of cholesterol varies between 150 - 200 mg per 100 ml. In blood, cholesterol occurs in combination with certain lipids (fats), hence, known as lipoproteins. There are two main types of lipoproteins: a low density one (LDL) and a high density one (HDL). The low density lipoprotein is the one which is considered harmful and is associated with cholesterol deposits in blood vessels. The higher the ratio of LDL to the total cholesterol, the greater will be the risk of arterial damage and heart disease. HDL, on the other hand, plays a salutory role by helping remove cholesterol from circulation and thereby reducing the risk of heart disease
Causes and Symptoms of High Cholesterol Hypercholesterolaemia or increase in cholesterol is mainly a hereditary disorder. It is also caused by taking rich foods and fried foods: excessive consumption of milk and its products like ghee, butter, and cream; white flour, sugar, cakes, pastries, biscuits, cheese, and ice cream; and non-vegetarian foods like meat, fish, and eggs. Other causes of increase in cholesterol are Irregularity in habits, smoking, and drinking alcohol. Stress has also been found to be a major cause of Increased level of cholesterol.
Herbal Remedies for high Cholesterol and Home Remedies for Cholesterol Control Lecithin:
Lecithin, also a fatty food substance and the most abundant of the phospholipids, is beneficial in case of increase in cholesterol level. It has the ability to break up cholesterol into small particles which can be easily handled by the system. With sufficient intake of lecithin, cholesterol cannot build up against the walls of the arteries and veins. Lecithin also increases the production of bile acids made from cholesterol, thereby reducing its amount in the blood. Egg yolk, vegetable oils, wholegrain cereals, soyabeans, and unpasturised milk are rich sources of lecithin. The cells of the body are also capable of synthesizing it as needed, if several of the B vitamins are present
Vitamins B6, choline, and inositol are particularly effective in reducing the level of blood cholesterol. Wheat germ, yeast, or vitamin B extracted from bran contain high quantities of these vitamins. Vitamin E also elevates blood lecithin and reduces cholesterol.
The patient should take liberal quantities of vitamin E - rich foods such as sunflower seeds, safflower, soyabean oils, butter, and sprouted seeds and grains.
Sunflower Seeds:
Sunflower seeds are valuable in lowering high blood cholesterol. They contain a substantial quantity of linoleic acid which Is the fat helpful in reducing cholesterol deposits on the walls of arteries. Substituting sunflower seeds for some of the solid fats like butter and cream will, therefore, lead to great improvement in health.
Coriander Seeds:
Regular drinking of a decoction of coriander seeds helps lower blood cholesterol. It Is a good diuretic and helps stimulate the kidneys. It is prepared by boiling two tablespoons of dry seeds in a glass of water, and straining the decoction after cooling. This decoction should be taken twice daily.
Ishabgul: (Psyllium husk)
The herb ishabgul has been found beneficial in the herbal treatment of high cholesterol levels. The oil of the seeds of this plant should be given for lowering blood cholesterol. It contains fifty per cent linoleic acid. This oil is more active than safflower oil, and one teaspoon should be taken twice daily.
The amount of fibre in the diet also influences the cholesterol levels and LDL cholesterol can be lowered by taking diets rich in fibres. The most significant sources of dietary fibre are unprocessed wheat bran, whole cereals such as wheat, rice, barley, rye; legumes such as potatoes, carrots, beet, and turnips; fruits such as mangoes and guavas; and leafy vegetables such as cabbage, lady's fingers, lettuce, and celery. Oat bran and com bran are specially beneficial in lowering LDL cholesterol.
Dietary Changes for Cholesterol Control To reduce the risk of heart disease, it is essential to lower the level of LDL and increase the level of HDL. This can be achieved by a change in diet and lifestyle. As a first step, foods rich in cholesterol and saturated fats, which lead to an increase in the LDL level, should be reduced to the minimum. These foods are eggs, organic meats, cheese, butter, bacon, beef, and whole milk. Virtually all foods of animal origin, as well as two vegetable oils, namely, coconut and palm, are high in saturated fats, and these should be replaced by polyunsaturated fats such as com, safflower, soyabean, and sesame oils which tend to lower the level of LDL.
Persons with high blood cholesterol level should drink at least eight to ten glasses of water every day, as copious drinking of water stimulates the excretory activity of the skin and kidneys. This, in turn, facilitates elimination of excessive cholesterol from the system.
Other Measures to Control Cholesterol Naturally Regular physical exercise also plays an important role in lowering LDL cholesterol and in raising the level of protective HDL. It also promotes circulation and helps maintain the blood flow to every part of the body. Jogging or brisk walking, swimming, bicycling, and playing badminton are excellent forms of exercise.
High Blood Pressure- Hypertension
Hypertension or high blood pressure, as it is more commonly known, is regarded as a silent killer. It is a disease of the modern age. The fast pace of life and the mental and physical pressures caused by the increasingly industrialized and metropolitan environments have a role to play in the rise in blood pressure.
Blood pressure is measured with an instrument called sphygno-manometer in millimeters of mercury. The highest pressure reached during each heart beat is called systolic pressure, and the lowest between two beats is known as diastolic pressure. Most young adults have blood pressure around 120/80. It increases normally with age, even going upto 160/90.
Causes and Symptoms
The first symptom of hypertension may appear as a pain at the back of the head and neck on waking in the morning, which soon disappears. Some of the other common symptoms are dizziness, palpitations, pain in the region of the heart., frequent urination, nervous tension, fatigue, and difficulty in breathing.
The chief causes of high blood pressure are stress and a faulty style of living. Smoking and an excessive intake of intoxicants, tea, coffee, and refined foods destroy the natural pace of life and prevent the expulsion of waste and poisonous matter from the body. Hardening of the arteries (atherosclerosis), obesity, and diabetes lead to hypertension. Other causes of high blood pressure are an excessive intake of common table salt, and eating a high fat and low fibre diet.
Home Remedies
Garlic is regarded as an effective means of lowering blood pressure. It is said to reduce spasms of the small arteries. It also slows down the pulse rate and modifies the heart rhythm, besides relieving the symptoms of dizziness, numbness, shortness of breath, and the formation of gas within tile digestive tract It may be taken in the form of raw cloves or two to three capsules a day.
Indian Gooseberry:
Indian gooseberry is another effective remedy for high blood pressure. A tablespoon each of fresh amla juice and honey mixed together should be taken every morning in this condition.
Lemon is also regarded as a valuable food to control high blood pressure. It is a rich source of vitamin P which is found both in the juice and peel of the fruit This vitamin is essential for preventing capillary fragility.
Grapefruit is useful in preventing high blood pressure. The vitamin P content in the fruit is helpful in toning up the arteries.
Watermelon is another valuable safeguard against high blood pressure. A substance extracted from watermelon seeds is said to have a definite action in dilating the blood vessels, which results in lowering the blood pressure. The seeds, dried and roasted, should be taken in liberal quantities.
Rice has a low-fat, low-cholesterol, and low-salt content. It makes a perfect diet for those hypertensive persons who have been advised salt-restricted diets. Calcium in brown rice, in particular, soothes and relaxes the nervous system and helps relieve the symptoms of high blood pressure.
Potatoes, specially in boiled form, are a valuable food for lowering blood pressure. When boiled with their skin, they ab.sorb very little salt. Thus they can form a useful addition to a salt-free diet recommended for patients with high blood pressure. Potatoes are rich in potassium but not in sodium salts. The magnesium present in the vegetable exercises beneficial effects in lowering blood pressure.
Parsley is very useful in high blood pressure. It contains elements which help maintain the blood vessels, particularly, the capillaries. It keeps the arterial system in a healthy condition. It may be taken as a beverage by simmering 20 gm of fresh parsley leaves gently in 250 ml of water for a few minutes. This may be drunk several times daily.
Among the herbs, rauwolfia is the best remedy for high blood pressure. Alkaloids of this drug, which have a direct effect on hypertension, have been isolated and are being widely used by practitioners of modem medicine, but they have certain unpleasant side-effects which the drug, taken in raw form, does not have. Practitioners of the Indian system of medicine have, therefore, referred to use the root of the drug in a powdered form. Half a teaspoon of this drug, taken thrice a day, is very effective in, hypertension.
Vegetable Juices:
Raw vegetable juices, especially Carrot and spinach juices, taken separately or in combination, are also beneficial in the treatment of high blood pressure. If taken in combination, 300 ml of Carrot juice and 200 ml of spinach juice should be mixed to make 500 ml or half a litre of the juice, and taken daily. If taken separately, one glass should be taken twice daily, morning and evening.
Dietary Calcium and Potassium:
Recent studies have revealed an important link between dietary calcium and potassium and hypertension. Researchers have found that people who take potassium-rich diets have a low incidence of hypertension even if they do not control their salt intake. They have also found that people with hypertension do not seem to get much calcium in the form of dairy products. These two essential nutrients seem to help the body secrete excess sodium and are involved in important functions which control the working of the vascular system. Potassium is found in abundance in fruits and vegetables, and calcium in dairy products.
Dietary Considerations
Persons with high blood pressure should always follow a well¬ balanced routine of a proper diet, exercise, and rest Diet is of primary importance. Meat and eggs, more than any other food, cause the blood pressure to rise. The pressure can be lowered and blood clotting diminished by increasing the consumption of fruits, reducing protein intake, and sticking to a vegetarian diet A natural diet consisting of fresh fruits and vegetables instead of a traditional diet, helps to get rid of the toxins from the body. Salt should be avoided; in any case, it should not exceed more than three grams or about half a teaspoon per day.
Other Measures
Persons suffering from hypertension must get at least eight hours of good sleep, because proper rest is a vital aspect of the treatment Most important of all, the patient must avoid overstrain, worries, tension, anger, and haste. He or she must develop a calm and cheerful attitude and develop a contented frame of mind.
Hysteria - A Neurotic Disorder
Hysteria is a mental disorder arising from intense anxiety. It is characterised by lack of control over acts and emotions, and by sudden seizures of unconsciousness with emotional outbursts. It is often the result of repressed conflicts within the person. This disease appears in both sexes, but it is far more common in young women between fourteen and twenty five years of age.
Causes and Symptoms of Hysteria
The symptoms of hysteria are heaviness in the limbs, severe cramps, a strong feeling of ascending abdominal constriction, continual sighings, difficulty in breathing, constriction in the chest palpitations, feeling of a foreign body lodged in the throat, swelling of the neck and of the jugular veins, suffocation, headache, clenched teeth, and generalized and voluntary tensing of muscles of locomotion. In severe cases, additional symptoms are noticeable; these may include wild and painful cries, incomplete loss of consciousness, an enormously swollen neck, violent and tumultuous heartbeats, involuntary locomotor muscle contraction, frightening generalized convulsions, and violent movement
The physical symptoms include a weakness of the will, a craving for love and sympathy, and a tendency towards emotional instability. Hysterical trances may last for days or weeks. A patient in a trance may appear to be in a deep sleep, but the muscles are not usually relaxed.
The most common causes of hysteria are sexual repression, perverted habits of thought, and idleness. Heredity plays an important part in its causation. A nervous family background and faulty emotional training when young are predisposing causes. 'The emotional situations may be caused by mental. strain, stress, fear, worry, depression, traumatism, masturbation, and prolonged sickness.
Home Remedies for Hysteria
The jambul fruit is considered an effective home remedy for hysteria. Three kilograms of this fruit and a handful of salt should be put in a jug filled with water. The jug should be kept in the sun for a week. A women suffering from hysteria should take 300 gm of these fruits on an empty stomach, and drink a cup of water from the jug. The day she starts this treatment, 3 kg more of these fruits, mixed with a handful of salt, should be put in another jug filled with water, so that when the contents of the first jug are finished, the contents of the other will be ready for use. This treatment should be continued for two weeks.
Honey is regarded as another effective remedy for hysteria. It is advisable to take one tablespoon of honey daily.
Bottle Gourd:
Bottle gourd is useful as an external application in hysteria. Macerated fresh pulp of this vegetable should be applied over the head of the patient in the treatment of this disease.
Lettuce is considered valuable in this disease. A cup of fresh juice of lettuce, mixed with a teaspoon of Indian gooseberry (amla)juice, should be given every day in the morning for a month, as a medicine in the treatment of hysteria.
The herb rauwolfia is very useful in hysteria. One gram of the powdered root should be administered with one cup of milk in the morning as well as in the evening. Treatment should be continued till a complete cure has been obtained.
Asafoetida has also proved beneficial in the treatment of this disease. Smelling this gum prevents hysterical , attacks. If taken orally, the daily dosage should be from 0.5 to 1.0 gm. An emulsion made up of 2 gm of the gum with 120 m1 of water is a valuable enema in hysteria, when the patient resists taking the gum orally.
Dietary Considerations
In most cases of hysteria, it is desirable for patients to start the treatment by adopting an all-fruit diet for several days, taking three meals a day of juicy fruits such as oranges, apples, grapes, grapefruit, papayas, and pineapples. This may be followed by an exclusive milk diet for about a month. The milk diet will help to build better blood and nourish the nerves. If the full milk diet is not convenient, a diet of milk and fruits may be adopted. The patient may, thereafter, gradually embark upon a well-balanced diet of seeds, nuts, grains, vegetables, and fruits. The patient should avoid alcohol, tea, coffee, tobacco, white sugar and white flour, and products made from them.
Other Measures
The patient should be taught self-control and educated in the right habits of thinking. Her mind must be drawn away from herself by some means. Proper sex education should be provided and a married patient should be taught to enjoy a normal sexual relationship. Exercise and outdoor games are also important. They take the mind away from self and induce cheerfulness. Yoga asanas which are useful in hysteria are bhujangasana, shalabhasana, matsyasana, sarvangasana, dhanurasana, halasana, paschimottanasana,
yoga mudra, and shavasana. Weak patients, who are not able to do much active exercise, may be given a massage three or four times a week.
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